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It’s time to meet the newest recruit to the Evolve team.

Jurgen Farrugia has joined Malta’s fastest-growing science company as a Commercial Coordinator and is bursting with enthusiasm about his future career.

What do you value most about working here at Evolve

What I value most apart from loving the job is the feeling of community that Evolve has. Since I joined the team, everyone has made me feel extremely welcome and I’ve been treated well with constant support and help from my colleagues.

What attracted you to Evolve?

What Evolve does and what it offers really caught my eye. I think innovation and creativity are important elements of success and I’m really excited to be part of Evolve. The values of the company attracted me, as well as the way employees are treated with integrity and respect.

What does your job involve?

In my role as a commercial coordinator I provide support to the commercial team and assist with commercial planning, project planning and invoicing. I am also responsible for managing the flow of goods through the supply chain and ensuring that the product arrive on time and in a good condition. It’s interesting and enjoyable.

What would surprise people about you?

I like to explore different cultures and I also have an obsession for football.

Across your career so far who has inspired you?

I have been inspired by too many people to mention, especially those who specialise in the medical sector.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

I don’t really have a favourite place as such. I’m happy anywhere if I’m surrounded by nature, fresh air and a clean environment.

Picture yourself 10 years from now-what has changed, what’s stayed the same?

In 10 years time I hope to still be working with Evolve and growing within the company. I would also love to have a family and a house of my own by then.

What’s the one piece of advice that you always pass on?

Hold yourself accountable for your actions; don’t let others do it for you. When you have an idea be passionate about it and do not allow fear or failure hold you back from expressing yourself creatively.

What’s your motto?

‘Believe and achieve’ is my motto as I truly think that once I set myself on doing something and believe in it, I will achieve it.

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Something else we can help you with?

Evolve is Malta’s fastest-growing science company for laboratory design services, high quality lab supplies and chemicals, as well as specialist scientific and medical equipment.

Our international customers include major pharmaceutical companies, medical cannabis firms, hospitals, schools, universities, public laboratories and the oil and gas sectors.

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts on how Evolve can help your next science-led project, please get in touch with us today. You’ll be glad you did.