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Meet Martina Zammit, our financial supervisor at Evolve.

Martina joined Evolve at the tender age of 15 as an administrator, left to pursue other ventures and further her studies, and returned two years ago as a fully qualified accountant with a specialisation degree in taxation. She is now our chief financial officer with a very bright future ahead.

We caught up with Martina to find out more about her career and family life.

What do you value about working at Evolve?

Evolve, is all about great culture which is attributable to great people. I’m blessed to have wonderful team members who collaborate, share knowledge, communicate and most importantly support each another. At Evolve, I feel a sense of belonging and this helps me to stay motivated and put in extra efforts and commitment towards the company.

What’s the toughest thing about your job?

For me it’s giving myself a break and savouring my downtime. I spend a lot of my time worrying that I should give myself a break, and then when I do, I feel guilty that I’m not doing any work!

What would you do if you weren’t at Evolve?

This is a very difficult question since I’m very passionate about my profession and my work here at Evolve. However, If I had to choose another profession it would be a notary.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

I would eliminate child abuse and neglect because there is no greater inhumanity in the world than hurting or belittling a child. Childhood should be carefree and filled with love and affection, not living a nightmare.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Don’t be afraid of being afraid. Sometimes the one thing you need for growth is the one thing you are most afraid to do.

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Who is your all-time hero?

My mum is my hero, my idol, my model figure, my everything. I define my mum as a hero because she has provided me with guidance, motherly love, and has always been there for me. She has also supported me in every way possible. My mum is someone in my life that gives me a reason to never give up. She is the most caring, loving, and genuine person I have ever known.

What would surprise people about you?

The fact that I got married and became a mother at a very young age but yet managed to continue my studies to pursue the career that I have today.

Which three things would you take to a desert island?

I would rather take people instead of things. I would choose my husband, my daughter and my son because time spent with family is worth every second.

What is your favourite holiday destination?

I would undoubtedly choose Africa because it is a highly diverse continent full of fascinating cultures, dramatic scenery and extraordinary animals.

What is your favourite dish?

Pasta! Whatever the sauce, I just love pasta.

What is your golden rule?

In a world where you can be anything, just be yourself.

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What’s it like to work for Evolve?

People are Evolve’s most important asset. They enable us to achieve our strategy and deliver for our customers, suppliers and stakeholders.

We foster a culture of excellence in which all employees are challenged, motivated and proud to be part of Evolve.

Our ambition is to be the best place to work for our employees.

We recognise the diversity of our workforce as an asset. We recruit talented people from a variety of backgrounds with unique perspectives.

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