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Duncan Grech joined Evolve more than 14 years ago and he absolutely loves his work. He is an expert in many fields of analytical chemistry especially chromatography with years of experience.  Away from the office, Duncan is passionate about cooking, cycling, cars and working on models of the nativity.

What do you value about working at Evolve?

Our great team spirit. We are lucky to have such a fantastic group of energetic individuals who are all passionate about what we do, finding solutions for our customers. No two days at Evolve are the same. We offer solutions, share our knowledge and experiences and at the same time learn something new almost every day. Then there’s the excitement of meeting and interacting with our clients.

How would you describe your job?

A typical day is divided between interacting with our clients and my team members. Needless to say both aspects are important and the balance is continuously shifting based on priorities. Leading the scientific team, I value the importance of dedicating my time to both our clients and to my colleagues.

Our work is that of supporting the scientific industry. That means we are constantly finding tailor-made solutions to help them achieve their ultimate goal. Most of the time it’s a multi-disciplinary approach encompassed as a single solution. Every opportunity comes with its own challenges but thanks to our mix of competences we always make sure to deliver what we promise.

Our satisfaction comes with seeing that our solution materialise, such as designing and equipping a new scientific environment, implementing an innovative technology in the market. The best thing is getting the thumbs up from a client, and that satisfied look when they see their dream becoming a reality.

science malta labs duncan

In your eyes, what’s the most important thing about your job?

The ability to listen, understand, be open for suggestions, take positive criticism and embrace change. Last but not least the importance of working within a team valuing every team member.

Tell us something or a fact you’ve learned recently.

There’s always something to learn or discover. What remains stuck in my mind is a quote from Nelson Mandela. He said: ‘I never lose. I either win or learn.

As a child what did you dream you’d be when you grew up?

I went through many childhood phases ranging from wanting to be an architect to a priest. I finally chose sciences.

Where’s your favourite place in the world and why?

Definitely Italy. It has everything, including beautiful and diverse scenery, arts, culture, good food and wine.

When are you at your happiest?

Without any doubt when I’m surrounded by my family and when I’m enjoying some free time either creating a nativity diorama or a school stage prop.

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?

To end all forms of suffering, especially to the most vulnerable. I would also promote dialogue instead of useless conflicts.

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At Evolve, we deliver solutions that make science happen. Helping you to increase your efficiency and productivity, we Design, Equip, Train and Maintain scientific workspaces.

Evolve is Malta’s fastest-growing science company for laboratory supplies, lab design and specialist scientific and medical equipment.

Our international customers include major pharmaceutical companies, state-run and private hospitals, prestigious universities and public laboratories.

If you’d like to speak to one of our expert team members on how Evolve can help your next science project, please get in touch with us today.

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