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Congratulations to Zachary Muscat from Evolve who has completed a training course on how Maltese companies can expand into international markets.

The Go Global Internationalisation and Export Management initiative was organised by Trade Malta, a public-private partnership between the government and the Chamber of Commerce, dedicated to helping Malta-based businesses go international.

Zachary, who is a Business Account Manager at our head office in Luqa, passed the course with flying colours and was presentated with a well-deserved certificate for his efforts.

Zachary told us: ‘The Go Global course was intended to give us an idea of the challenges and opportunities that exist when taking a business international.

‘We had a diverse range of experts from lecturing us on marketing, finance and law. The material covered will help give us a better idea of how we can continue to take Evolve overseas to support the global scientific community.’

Evolve has already carried out a number of international projects, including prestigious work in Ghana, Greece, Dubai, Libya and Brussels.

The training course targets novice exporters, and provides interactive sessions delivered by renowned academics and industry professionals.

The course is designed for Malta-based businesses involved in the export of products and services and is aimed at providing practical training on essential skills in managing an international operation.

It is a 10-week training programme that introduces Maltese export executives to internationalisation and export management concepts, whilst supporting them in developing an Internationalisation Marketing Plan in line with their export goals.

The main areas covered by the course included:

  • Establishing a robust business plan, coupled with a well-defined strategy for advancing your business, is vital.
  • The strategic decision to either diversify your business or strengthen your existing offerings requires careful consideration.
  • Market intelligence and thorough research are imperative before venturing into new markets, as what succeeds in one country may not necessarily work in another.
  • Developing effective market entry strategies aligned with the target market and the company’s internationalisation goals is crucial for sustained success.
  • Having engaged employees who not only understand the company’s strategy but also embody its culture is essential.
  • Actively listening to feedback from both customers and employees – fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Recognising the significance of innovation is pivotal – is there scope to provide unique solutions tailored to different market segments?
  • Staying informed about specific regulations and market entry requirements is essential to navigate diverse global landscapes successfully.
  • Avoiding complexities – keeping the operations simple to mitigate unnecessary complications.
  • Gathering insights from suppliers, especially during industry fairs, and documenting anecdotes contribute to a deeper understanding of the industry ecosystem.
  • Recruitment of on-the-ground personnel in different countries, particularly in key markets, ensures an understanding of local dynamics.
  • Tapping into cheaper resources globally, especially if operating in diverse countries and continents can optimise operational efficiency.
  • Having a crisis management policy is a proactive measure to handle unforeseen challenges.

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Driven to do good

Evolve delivers laboratory design services, high quality lab supplies and chemicals, as well as specialist scientific and medical equipment.

Our international customers include major pharmaceutical companies, medical cannabis firms, hospitals, schools, universities, public laboratories and the oil and gas sectors.

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts on how Evolve can help your next science-led project, please get in touch with us today.