The German Koettermann’s steel lab furniture manufacturer recognition for Evolve in terms of promotion to ‘International Sales Partners’ and ‘Certified Installation Partner’ statuses come on the back of many years of loyalty, hard-work, success and investment. Some major local projects undertaken during this period include the supply, design and installation of the Koettermann Lab Furniture with accessories and ancillary services at Aurobindo, the University of Malta, Montekristo Wine Estates, Wasteserv, ArrowPharm, Public Health Labs, Siegfried, Pharmacare, MCAST, STMicroelectronics, Actavis, Farsons among others. The additional services include Fume Management, Network cabling and terminations (including labelling), electricity distribution and testing, plumbing and testing both for water and gases as well as all drains and specialty gases. Some installations required separate bespoke solutions for waste solvent handling that Evolve regularly designs and installs using a SCAT-based system. This was integrated with our Datalogging and Messaging system (Darca Secure by Eltek) at some sites including Aurobindo Ltd.